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"So stand your ground, with truth a belt round your waist" - Ephesians 6:14

by least_of_the_apostles Hello friends. Today, I want to talk about truth. In today’s world, we are being bombarded by so many voices. There are many voices which claim to challenge the status quo, which declare that they seek to replace ancient and outdated ideologies with more modern and inspired philosophies. There are voices which claim that they alone speak the truth and that no contradictory opinion should be accepted. There are voices which seem to be speaking our language but, upon closer inspection, actually have major differences in dialect. But, as Catholics, how are we to respond to these different voices? How are we to filter through all these opinions to determine the actual truth? Well, brothers and sisters, I have a very simple answer. Jesus. Jesus is the truth. He said it Himself in John 14:6 where He proclaims, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.” So why would we search for the truth anywhere else? Why would we be swayed by any voice that claims to speak truth if...

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